Sunday, June 7, 2009

And so it begins...

Emma has been in Nursery officially for 3 weeks now, but only in our ward the last 2 weeks (her 1st Sunday was when we were in Sacramento). Today I went in to get Michael and take him potty and as I approached the door I could hear Emma crying. I went in and asked what was wrong (thinking maybe a kid took away a toy she was playing with) and the Nursery leaders told me that one of the other kids bit her! She was wearing tights, but it still looked pretty bad. I asked one of the leaders to take Michael potty and I took her into the kitchen to see if there was some ice I could put on it. I took her tights & shoes to get a better look. She wasn't bleeding or anything and there was no ice to put on it, but I don't think she needed it. She went back in after about 5 minutes and was just fine. I took this picture after her nap this afternoon.

1 comment:

R. Hansen said...

HAHAHA....I first thought that, too, but then I figured that it wasn't.

So sad that it happened, but funny that everyone thinks you posted your baby's toosh!