Sunday, July 20, 2008


I found this on a friends blog and left a comment for her, so I have to do one for myself, so here you go!

1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one (or 2 or 3...) memories that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Brianne said...

Marcus said that the first thing that came to mind was just hanging out at your parent's house the summer we got married. He has a great memory. :)

I remember you from seminary too. The funniest thing I remember though wasn't so much with you, but when you had a late night visitor outside your window!! Gross Stalker!!

I wish we lived closer too. I really think we would have been great friends in high school had we given it a chance!! (and not been so jealous over Matt!!! talk about gross)

Carianne said...

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I use Google Reader and I haven't really had the time to go to everyone's official blog site and reply. Anyways...Back to some memories. There are SOOO many!

1st- How about the dance where you tried to compare your brother being on a mission and my boyfriend just left on his mission like they are the same thing. Too Funny!

2nd- one that came to mind is the famous "Swamp Cooler" story! Priceless!

3rd- Lots of car stories. Driving in my car with blankets on because my car window was stuck down in the winter. You teaching me how to drive stick shift in the Oildale parking lot. You picking me up and taking me to work in the morning cause my car broke down.

4th- Your dad washing my clothes for me and complaining to you about my thongs. Soooo Embarassing!!!

5th- Crying when I saw Michael and Emma for the first time. I was so excited that you were finally a mommy and we would have stuff in common again. I felt so old and uncool for the longest. You need to catch up to me though. Come on!

6th - Your Andy drama!!!

I could seriously go on and on, but I will leave some memories for you to remember. Love Ya!