Saturday, December 19, 2009


After several weeks of Michael still sleeping in his toddler bed NEXT to his bunk, I FINALLY ordered a mattress for his new big boy bed!!! I only got one, for now, but will probably get the other soon. He was SOOOOOOO excited to sleep in his new bed! He even waited up for daddy to come home from work so he could show him "a suprise".


Sarah Smith said...

How fun! Michael looks like he loves that bed already. Lots of room to romp around! :-) I think I might cry when we get our first twin mattress in our house. As it is, I'm already dragging my feet finding a toddler bed for Cadence, as if not buying it means she's not big enough for it, lol.

KillmerFam said...

We have a toddler bed if you need it...I haven't fully decided to not have any more kids yet, so I don't necessarily want to get rid of it yet, but you're more than welcome to use it! Then I wouldn't have to store it! Emma's crib turns into a toddler bed, so she wont be using it. Let me know!